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Escapism and Narrative: Finding Freedom in Fantasy

Accepting the physical differences of others proves how we see that there’s so much more to a person than their physical appearance. We can’t help but admit we have encountered people who are considered ‘unattractive’ in our eyes. I mean, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Let’s say there are situations where we personally view a particular person as unattractive, but the other person disagrees. It’s possible the person I considered ugly is good-looking to them. The point is that we are unique individuals with different perspectives. Choosing to be kind and strongly believe in accepting the physical differences of others is a matter of personal decision. We can’t just say, I’m treating this person badly because they’re ugly. Mistreating someone just because of their looks and appearance is pointless. This mindset proves how mean we can be for foolish reasons...

트위터 팔로워 : 잊어 버려야 할 3가지 변화

유튜버들이 뜻하는 전업 유튜버의 기준은 최소 구독자 30만 명이다. 영상을 기다리고 업로드 때마다 봐주는 구독자가 적어도 70만 명은 있어야 트위치 시장에 생계를 걸어볼 만하다는 것이다. SNS헬퍼에서 트위치구독자늘리기를 따라서 내 아프리카TV 채널의 경쟁력을 키워보는 것은 어떨까.